Become a Referee

You can’t have a match without the ref, and there is more rugby in Virginia every year. We need new referees to step up, take the whistle, and help us grow the game.

Why would anyone want to do this job?

Because it’s great. Everyone loves you, no one ever yells at you, and you are best friends with all thirty people on the pitch. In an ideal world…

Refereeing can be a job, or a service, or a calling. It’s really up to you and RSV will support whatever level of engagement you feel is right. You will be able to set your own schedule and travel parameters, and you’ll be paired with a mentor (or five) to help you learn and improve. Your certification never expires, so you can step in and out as life, careers, and family allow. Also, we’re fun people. Think of the refs as a slightly weirder, more diverse (in age, gender, and beverage proclivities), and more vision-challenged rugby club with a tendency to blow the game.

How To:

Step 1: Reach out to the RSV Development and Recruiting Officers (Contacts).

Step 2: Go to your USA Rugby RX Account in the Learning Portal to see the class calendar, directions to register, and instructions for completing pre-course work.

Step 3: Review the World Rugby Laws (

Step 4: Fill out the RSV Membership Agreement. [See About Us/RSV Membership Agreement.]

The Recruiting Officer will steer you through certification and provide guidance on the process. RSV is committed to support and mentorship of new referees and will be there for you from your first game through the World Cup Final. Because you’ll get there, right? Just remember us when you’re famous.